Altcoins and Altcoin Trading

What are altcoins, how do they function, and why should you use them?

In this article I will describe altcoins sometimes spelt alt coins and altcoin trading, Altcoins are cryptocurrencies that are alternatives to Bitcoin. Bitcoin was the first and is the most well-known cryptocurrency, but there are now many diverse types. Altcoins typically use different algorithms than Bitcoin and have distinctive features.

Bitcoin is based on the SHA-256 algorithm. Altcoins that are based on the same algorithm include Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold

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Bitcoin Cash is based on the SHA-256 algorithm but uses a larger block size of 8mb. Bitcoin Gold is based on the same algorithm but uses a different mining algorithm called Equihash.

Litecoin is based on the Scrypt algorithm. Other cryptocurrencies that are based on the same algorithm include Dogecoin and Feathercoin. Litecoin was created in October 2011. Dogecoin was created in December 2013. Feathercoin was created in April 2013.

Zcash is based on the Zerocoin protocol. Other cryptocurrencies that are based on the same protocol include Bitcoin Private and Horizen. Zcash was created in October 2016. Bitcoin Private was created in February 2018. Horizen was created in January 2018.

Benefits of using alt coins

There are several benefits of using altcoins.

1. Altcoins are often cheaper than Bitcoin.

2. Altcoins often have faster transaction times than Bitcoin.

3. Alt coins often have more features than Bitcoin.

4. Altcoins are often more decentralized than Bitcoin.

5. Altcoins are often more anonymous than Bitcoin.

6. Alt coins are often more secure than Bitcoin.

Cheap transactions

One of the main benefits of using altcoins is that they are often cheaper than Bitcoin. For example, the current price of Bitcoin is $6,600, while the current price of Litecoin is $53.

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Faster transactions

Another main benefit of using altcoins is that they often have faster transaction times than Bitcoin. For example, the transaction time for Bitcoin is currently 10 minutes, while the transaction time for Litecoin is 2.5 minutes.

alt coins faster transations

More features

Many alt coins have more features than Bitcoin. For example, Bitcoin does not have a built-in way to send and receive payments anonymously, while Zcash does. Bitcoin does not have a built-in way to store data, while Ethereum does.

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More decentralized

Many alt coins are more decentralized than Bitcoin. For example, Bitcoin is controlled by a small number of miners, while Litecoin is controlled by a much larger number of miners.

altcoin trading

More anonymous

Many alt coins are more anonymous than Bitcoin. For example, Bitcoin transactions are not anonymous, while Zcash transactions are.

altcoin trading

More secure

Many altcoins are more secure than Bitcoin. For example, Bitcoin has been hacked multiple times, while Zcash has not been hacked.

Altcoin Trading

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that function on cryptography for transaction security and control over the generation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized because they are not controlled by governments or financial institutions. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, was launched in 2009.

Cryptocurrencies are often traded on decentralized exchanges and can also be traded on traditional exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and can fluctuate rapidly.

The benefits of altcoin trading include:

1. Low Transaction Fees

Cryptocurrency transactions are typically much less expensive than traditional fiat currency transactions. For example, a typical cryptocurrency transaction fee is just a few cents, while a typical bank wire fee can be several dollars.

2. Decentralized Exchange

Cryptocurrencies are traded on decentralized exchanges. Decentralized exchanges are built on blockchain technology and do not require a third party to hold or manage user funds. This means that users have complete control over their funds and can trade cryptocurrencies without fear of losing their funds to a third party.

3. 24/7 Trading

 Cryptocurrencies can be traded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This allows traders to access the market whenever they want and to trade cryptocurrencies even when traditional exchanges are closed.

4. Global Availability

Cryptocurrencies can be traded by anyone in the world, regardless of location. This allows traders from all over the world to access the cryptocurrency market.

5. High Liquidity

The high liquidity of the cryptocurrency market allows traders to enter and exit positions quickly and easily. This high liquidity also results in low spreads, which means that traders can trade cryptocurrencies at a very low cost.

6. Diversification

Cryptocurrencies can be used to diversify a trader’s portfolio. By investing in a variety of different cryptocurrencies, traders can reduce their overall risk.

7. Innovation

Cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology that underlies them are constantly evolving and innovating. This means that traders who invest in cryptocurrencies have the potential to make significant profits from investing in early-stage technologies.

The risks of altcoin trading include:

1. Volatility

The prices of cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and can fluctuate rapidly. This can result in significant losses if a trader does not enter or exit a position at the correct time.

2. Risk of Fraud

The cryptocurrency market is ripe with fraud and scam artists. Traders should be careful when selecting exchanges and should only trade with reputable exchanges.

3. Lack of Regulation

The cryptocurrency market is currently unregulated. This means that there is no government or financial institution oversight of the market. This can lead to market manipulation and fraud.

4. Lack of liquidity

The cryptocurrency market is still relatively small and has a low liquidity. This means that it can be difficult to find buyers or sellers when attempting to trade cryptocurrencies.

5. Lack of Education

The cryptocurrency market is still relatively new and there is a lack of education available on how to trade cryptocurrencies. This can lead to traders making uninformed decisions which can result in losses.

Despite the risks, the benefits of altcoin trading outweigh the risks. Cryptocurrencies are a new and innovative asset class that offer traders the potential to make significant profits. Traders should do their own research before investing in cryptocurrencies and should always use a reputable exchange when trading these assets.

With any investment when Altcoin trading, it is important to check the exchange rates on all exchanges. It is often easy to compare them. I believe in margins; it means that I will give you 50% of my profit for free in case of a loss. For example: If I have ten alt coins and they have a 5% margin, I should pay only 2.5% as a deposit. The deposit percentage does not have to be so high, but do not go below 0.1%. Make a profit and come back to me!


There are several benefits of using altcoins. Altcoins are often cheaper than Bitcoin. Alt coins often have faster transaction times than Bitcoin. Altcoins often have more features than Bitcoin. Altcoins are often more decentralized than Bitcoin. Altcoins are often more anonymous than Bitcoin. Alt coins are often more secure than Bitcoin.



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